Nothing like posting a question to misc@ to cause the fog to lift. :-/

see below...

On 03/15/17 22:37, Nick Holland wrote:
> First of all, I did set up an acme-client(1) ssl cert a few months ago
> before the acme-client.conf(5) file days, and it was stupidly,
> jaw-droppingly simple, and it's renewed successfully, so yay man pages!
> Now, I'm doing it again on a (-current) system serving up a few domains
> on one IP address, so having to do SNI.  Since it was so simple before,
> why not https the thing?
> Not so simple.
> (I got it working, but I'm pretty sure I'm Doing It Wrong)
> The man page for acme-client says "Before a certificate can be
> requested, an account key needs to be created using the -A argument."
> ok.  So ...
>   # acme-client -A
>   acme-client: cannot stat /etc/ssl/private/
>   No such file or directory
> After much head-scratching, I found a commit message that indicated this
> is the proper process:
>   # acme-client -A -D
> tada!  Worked!  Produces three files:
>   /etc/ssl/private/
>   /etc/ssl/
>   /etc/ssl/
> (and going back and re-reading the man page again...I'm not seeing how I
> was supposed to figure this out!)
> So after much trial and error of what file goes where in httpd.conf, I
> found this worked...almost:
> server "" {
>         alias ""
>         listen on $ext_addr port 80
>         listen on $ext_addr tls port 443
>         tls certificate "/etc/ssl/"
>         tls key "/etc/ssl/private/"
>         location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
>                 root "/acme"
>                 root strip 2
>         }
>         root "/"
> }
> httpd started, no errors logged, and the website came up with a valid
> cert according to Chrome and Firefox on OpenBSD.  Almost.  A friend of
> mine said he got a cert error, and after dismissing his machine or
> browser as being horribly out of date, I pulled up my phone and saw the
> same thing.  Oops.  A cert checker site confirmed that I was missing the
> intermediate certificate.  (and that's when the profanity began, and if
> you deal with certs, you know what I mean, this is why I thought my
> first use of acme-client was so just worked!).
> So I looked at my (far less -current) functioning site, and saw only TWO
> files were being generated...and one (named "fullchain.pem") had
> basically the contents of the TWO /etc/ssh/ files for the domain, but
> now, acme-client is generating two separate files.
> So more head-scratching later, I put the contents of
> at the END of
>, and ta-da, everything worked.  (reversing
> the order did NOT work).
> # cat >>
> Almost happy!
> EXCEPT ... when the cert is renewed, I'm pretty sure it will generate
> separate files again, breaking the trust chain.  And I'm pretty sure
> that's not the way it is supposed to work.
> So -- is there a way to add the intermediate cert to httpd.conf other
> than concatenating the files?  Am I doing something wrong?  Or do I just
> need to add the concatenation step to my refresh script?

Doing Something Wrong, of course.

Followed the example a little too closely, didn't understand the
acme-client.conf(5) man page until the problem was solved.

This is the template in /etc/acme-client.conf:

#domain {
#       alternative names { }
#       domain key "/etc/ssl/private/"
#       domain certificate "/etc/ssl/"
#       domain chain certificate "/etc/ssl/"
#       sign with letsencrypt

A better config would be using the line,
    "domain full chain certificate" instead.
That creates the PEM file with both certificates in the right order for
httpd to chew on.

Still, I think there are some man page and sample file improvements that
could be made.  (will put diff together if no one beats me to it)


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