Hi there, I have to live up to my obligations - and one of them is to be able to work with M$-Word docs. I used to do this with SoftMaker's office suite, but since Linux-compat is gone I am stuck with LibreOffice which is just a PITA.
As at the end of the day I have to deliver results in a form my clients wants and pays for; switching to e.g. LaTeX is not an option (= is not paid). "If you only have a hammer, every task looks like a nail!" - I will have to use a Linux Live-CD system to deliver shorthandedly. But I'd really prefer to stick to OpenBSD on my main production system. ANY chance that there will be a way to run Linux binaries again? (On my own risk, of course!) With search engines I only found outdated information. Either which way, any hint is welcome. Best, STEFAN