Hi Stuart,

On 2017-03-04 08:12, Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2017/03/04 00:30, Tinker wrote:
I'd like to know how the 15-25Mbps PCIe UART:s work, e.g.:

Exar XR17V354 (4x25mbps):
Moschip MCS9904 (4x16mbps):
I don't know about the Exar/Moschip,

Got to test.

the OXPCIe954 doesn't work on
OpenBSD, I had it part-working but never managed to get the baud rate
right, the clock runs at high speed so needs a larger divisor than other
puc(4)'s but things break somewhere.

Hm. About how badly did it break in your experience?

Also you can't determine the number
of ports from the pci id, you are supposed to read from the chip to
figure it out, so it doesn't fit the usual pucdata.c framework.

So the kernel needs to have a per-PCI card or chip table of number of ports, aha.

What about divisors and stuff for the 15-25Mbps modes, should that work out of the box =)

Btw, PCI serial devices should be superior to USB cards, shouldn't they - USB v1 and v2 have extremely high latency, for instance. For a serial terminal it's OK but even for an Internet connection it must suck.

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