I've been paying a bit more attention to what spamdb is logging these
days and I've noticed the following:

[weerd@despair] $ grep spamd /var/log/messages | tail -n4
2017-02-22T12:23:47.518Z despair spamd[93281]: can't delete  from spamd db 
(Undefined error: 0)
2017-02-22T12:24:47.749Z despair spamd[93281]: can't delete  from spamd db 
(Undefined error: 0)
2017-02-22T14:00:10.619Z despair spamd[93281]: can't delete  from spamd db 
(Undefined error: 0)
2017-02-22T14:01:10.860Z despair spamd[93281]: can't delete  from spamd db 
(Undefined error: 0)

Cranking the logging up to 11, I see:

2017-02-22T14:37:19.411Z despair spamd[93281]: queueing deletion of 
2017-02-22T14:37:19.488Z despair spamd[93281]: can't delete  from spamd db 
(Undefined error: 0)

Any idea what could be going on here?  Could the spamd database be
corrupt somehow?  Is there a way to check that?  I notice that it's
rather big, for the number of entries in the database:

[weerd@despair] $ spamdb | wc -l 
[weerd@despair] $ ls -lh /var/db/spamd 
-rw-r--r--  1 _spamd  _spamd   305M Feb 22 15:40 /var/db/spamd

Any pointers?


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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