> On 9 Feb 2017, at 12:42 pm, Mikael <mikael.ml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi misc@,
> The SSD reading benchmark in the previous email shows that per-device
> multiqueuing will boost multithreaded random read performance very much
> e.g. by ~7X+, e.g. the current 50MB/sec will increase to ~350MB/sec+.
> (I didn't benchmark yet but I suspect the current 50MB/sec is system-wide,
> whereas with multiqueuing the 350MB/sec+ would be per drive.)
> Multiuser databases, and any parallell file reading activity, will/would
> see a proportional speedup with multiqueing.

hey mikael,

can you be more specific about what you mean by multiqueuing for disks? even a
reference to an implementation of what you’re asking about would help me
answer this question.

ill write up a bigger reply after my kids are in bed.


> Do you have plans to implement this?
> Was anything done to this end already, any idea when multiqueueing can
> happen?
> Are donations a matter here, if so about what size of donations and to who?
> Someone suggested that implementing it would take a year of work.
> Any clarifications of what's going on and what's possible and how would be
> much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mikael

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