On 2017-02-06, Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> wrote:

> The following is for AMD64 though I'd guess that a similar approach 
> would be possible on other platforms also.
> The boot sequence with MBR is:
>       MBR: Load PBR (unencrypted)
>       PBR: Load /boot (encrypted)
/boot is not encrypted.  In fact, with root on softraid, there is
no such file /boot.

Since it needs to fit into 512 bytes, the biosboot(8) code in the
PBR is very simple.  It contains a hardcoded pointer where to find

Without softraid, installboot(8) installs /usr/mdec/boot as /boot,
and /usr/mdec/biosboot into the PBR and patches it with the necessary
information where to find /boot.

At the start of a softraid partition there is a metadata area that
holds various information about the softraid volume.  This area
includes reserved space for boot strapping: 320*512 bytes for the
boot loader (plus 128*512 bytes for a boot block, unused on x86).
See /usr/include/dev/softraidvar.h.  This is outside any file system.

With softraid, installboot(8) installs /usr/mdec/boot into the boot
loader space of the softraid partition, and /usr/mdec/biosboot into
the PBR and patches it with the necessary information where to find
the boot loader.

The PBR loads boot(8), unencrypted.  The boot loader then assembles
the softraid volume, which for a crypto volume includes asking the
passphrase or locating the key disk.  Once the crypto volume is
unlocked, the boot loader proceeds to load /etc/boot.conf and
typically the kernel from the 'a' partition there.

The important points to remember are:
* boot(8) is stored unencrypted.  This should be kind of obvious
  because it contains the code required to access the softraid
* A passphrase or key disk are required BEFORE /etc/boot.conf is

Softraid crypto is intended to guard against cases where your laptop
is stolen, or you send it in for repair, or you throw away the disk.
If you expect an attacker to be able to repeatedly access the
encrypted data or to modify disk contents, you're in trouble.  Apart
from the subverted boot loader you are worried about, there are
fundamental concerns about the ability of XTS encryption to defend
against such attacks.  Google keywords: XTS malleability.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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