On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 2:05 PM, Remco <re...@dpub.nl> wrote:
> Op 01/10/17 om 08:17 schreef Theo de Raadt:
>> I also worry about one process that does decapsulation, on behalf of
>> others.  Now all the risk is in one place, and an attack against it
>> which can remain persistant is very worrying - it can see all future
>> traffic.
> Just in case there is a misunderstanding, the tls_client and kex helper are
> two additional processes per connection. They're not long lived.
> There actually is a long lived process, tls_socketd, that executes these
> programs but it's not involved in the actual TLS handling.
> (I'm not sure I should elaborate on that)

I'm not sure that this is a meaningful distinction for that risk model.

Well.. it is a distinction - there's some enforced entropy here. And,
also, this does document something about how the system operates.

But if the concern is a compromised tls_socketd, what prevents it from
either (a) invoking a compromised instance of tls_client, or (b)
invoking a compromised instance of the helper, or (c) pretending to do
so while performing those activities itself (for example: use dlopen
or patch in a binary blob to bring in the needed functionality)?

Any of these would require some work, certainly, but that's a mere
matter of time and effort.



>> Instead, we've designed daemons which use tls in much narrower
>> domain-specific ways.
>> For a good example, see how ntpd has a completely privilege seperated
>> tls speaker for the "constraint" feature.  No memory sharing.  Furthermore
>> pledge allows that data flow (and interpretation, which is safe) to sit
>> inside a single address space, with very limited system call operations.
>> That process cannot even do fd passing once it gets going.
> Though difficult to compare, it looks a lot like with I did, with the big
> difference that the TLS parts runs in two additional processes.
> I experimented with pledge in tls_client some time ago. To the best of my
> knowledge, as soon as the application data exchange begins it can run
> pledged with "stdio". I haven't thought about re-keying half way, this might
> change the pledge.

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