Yes, it's the simplest and probably the fastest way (and I care about simplicity more than speed anyway), so I like it more than the other option. It seems there's no third one, except from replacing ohash or forking it (f.e. to not downsize unless explicitly requested). I think I'll stay with the simplest option (just fix the bug in my code) for now. Thanks to everybody for the answers
Maciej Admczyk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: Ted Unangst Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2017 7:16PM To: Maciej Adamczyk Cc: Misc Subject: Re: The right way to delete elements from ohash Maciej Adamczyk wrote: The task is simple: remove all elements that satisfy some property. * add another layer of looping and keep iterating as long as a pass over the map deleted at least one element. this should be fast enough. even with looping and resizing, it's asymptotically linear.