Jan Betlach <jbetl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to have an encrypted Ext2 data partition, which can be shared
> between OpenBSD and Linux. LUKS probably does not work in OpenBSD. Maybe
> something like EncFS is the way to go?

I need the same and tried EncFS (cloned from GitHub) a year ago.  It compiles 
but doesn't work.  I asked upstream for support but they are not interested, 
they don't care for anything but Linux.  Which makes EncFS pointless--since 
there is LUKS--why should anyone use EncFS? (rhetorical question, don't answer)

If you get (a current version of) EncFS or any other portable encryption method 
to work, I would be very interested!

(But don't code it yourself, if you're not already an expert in this field.)


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