Thank you Peter,
I've added the -s 5 Option and removed the -5Do you know what is the default
-w window size ?About the -S I didn't understand what it means (I read the

    Le Lundi 12 décembre 2016 23h22, Peter Hessler <> a
écrit :

 On 2016 Dec 12 (Mon) at 21:31:25 +0000 (+0000), Mik J wrote:
:I've been annoyed for months/years by a few marketing companies from which I
regularly unsubriscribed (according to the law in my country they should have
done it).A few days ago I decided to make spamd work on my pf machine.
:And I trapped that spam companyDec 12 19:25:55 openbsd spamd[99682]: (BLACK)
x.x.x.x: <> -> <>
:Dec 12 19:27:40 openbsd spamd[99682]: x.x.x.x: To: victim
:Dec 12 19:27:40 openbsd spamd[99682]: x.x.x.x: From: =?utf-8?Lalalala=
:Dec 12 19:27:40 openbsd spamd[99682]: x.x.x.x: Subject: =?utf-8?Lalalalla
:Dec 12 19:28:45 openbsd spamd[99682]: x.x.x.x: disconnected after 387
seconds. lists: spamd-greytrap blacklist
:I notice that this spammer lost 387 seconds so 6 minutes.
:Is there a way to make them loose more time ?
:# grep spamd /etc/rc.conf
:spamd_flags="-5 -v -l -h -n Somestring"

Don't use -5, but use the default -4.  550 is "permanent failure", 450
is "temp fail, try again later".

Also look at the -S and -s options.  -w is also fun.

:Thank you

"Hello," he lied.
        -- Don Carpenter quoting a Hollywood agent

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