On 2016-11-25, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to do limit bandwidth on gre tunnel protected with ipsec in
> transport mode.
> I've set single default queue on gre interface, matched everything
> that goes out to that queue, and finally passed everything out that
> interface:
> # SNIP
> queue mother on gre204 bandwidth 25M min 25M max 25M
>    queue child parent mother bandwidth 25M default
> ...
> match out on gre204 inet all set queue child
> ...
> pass out on gre 204 inet all
> ...
> # SNIP
> In `systat rules` i see counter for both match and pass rules
> increasing, but `systat queues` doesn't count anything.
> What am I doing wrong? Do I need to queue on physical interface? If so,
> how can I classify different types of traffic to separate queues later
> on, since tcpdump on physical interface sees only esp traffic?

I haven't tried this exact scenario. But I understand the general way
things work and I think this is correct:

Assign packets to queue names as you are doing already, on the gre
interface. But for the "queue XX on YY bandwidth ZZ" bits, YY should be
the physical interface.

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