Max Power [] wrote: > Hi guys, > Forgive me, but I am not very expert of OpenBSD. > Guide, about Virtual Host, show examples for all > Operating System but not for OpenBSD. Stupid OVH! > This is the FreeBSD 8.0 way: > > Contents of the file : /etc/rc.conf > ifconfig_em0="inet IP.FAIL.OVER netmask broadcast > IP.FAIL.OVER" > static_routes="net1 net2" > route_net1="-net GATEWAY_VM/32 IP.FAIL.OVER" > route_net2="default GATEWAY_VM" > > I can not understand how/where to set the last 2 line 'route_netX' > Please, can someone show me how to do in OpenBSD 6.0 adm64...? >
route add -net GATEWAY_VM/32 IP.FAIL.OVER route add default GATEWAY_VM