On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 07:44:48PM +0100, minek van wrote:

> I gaved it a try, all sets installed, xdm starts X.
> after first boot
> pkg_add firefox libreoffice gimp
> ln -s S /etc/malloc.conf
> reboot
> all done in virtualbox. 
> With or without "S" the 360p testvideo lags.. but virtualbox. 
> So tried Firefox, GIMP, LibreOffice
> All looks working great. 
> So why isn't "S" enabled by default? It is the "most secure" solution for the 
> malloc settings, no? 
> Or are there still programs that will crash when "S" is used? 
> What are those? 
> Thanks. 

It is not a problem of crashing or not, S does incur a performance hit
that we are not willing accept by default. BTW, some programs do
enable S by themselves, ssh and sshd for example.


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