Clint Pachl wrote:
>But Philippe is noticing this behavior even in single user mode, right? In
>single user, init and a shell should be all that is running in userland.

Right.  Even after cold-booting straight into single user mode I still
see those weird-looking load peaks.

>If in single user, I would suspect hardware interrupting the kernel. Make
>sure your monitoring tool isn't the culprit.

In single user mode I just used: while true; do uptime; sleep 10; done

Anyway, last night I cold-booted the machine into single user mode and
let it do nothing for 8.5 hours (not even the while loop above) and
then "top -S" showed the following result:

  88820 root     -22    0    0K   21M sleep     -       506:34  0.00% idle0
  23790 root      10    0    0K   21M sleep     acpi0     0:05  0.00% acpi0
  37552 root      10    0    0K   21M sleep     bored     0:05  0.00% systq
  15761 root      10    0    0K   21M sleep     bored     0:01  0.00% systqmp
  48025 root      10    0    0K   21M sleep     pftm      0:01  0.00% pfpurge
      0 root     -18    0    0K   21M sleep     schedul   0:01  0.00% swapper
  68258 root      10    0    0K   21M idle      usbtsk    0:01  0.00% usbtask
      1 root      10    0  316K  160K idle      wait      0:01  0.00% init
  18103 root     -18    0    0K   21M idle      kmalloc   0:01  0.00% kmthread

So nothing out of the ordinary.  Conclusion: this is probably just yet
another case of the load not actually representing the actual CPU
usage.  Some as yet unknown kernel thread probably wakes up every
minute or so, goes into the run queue, is counted towards the load,
and then does nothing at all with the CPU...  It does make the load
look weird though.  Anyway, case closed; sorry for the noise.



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