
When cron runs /etc/daily, that script runs df and netstat and the
output is sent by email to root.  On my system, emails to root are
forwarded to local user meunier using /root/.forward.  The forwarding
itself temporarily creates a lock file in /var/mail:

-rw-------  1 root     wheel     0 Oct 21 23:55 meunier.lock

At the same time, /etc/daily runs /usr/libexec/security.  The
check_mailboxes function in that file loops over all the files in
/var/mail and checks whether the owner of the file matches the name of
the file.  If check_mailboxes happens to be running exactly at the
same time as the system is forwarding /etc/daily's first email, then
check_mailboxes sees meunier.lock, the check for that file fails, and
the result is another email sent to root:

Running security(8):

Checking mailbox ownership.
user meunier.lock mailbox is owned by root

So I think the check_mailboxes function in /usr/libexec/security
should either skip lock files or check them in a different way...



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