Hello Anton,

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 11:25 PM,  <li...@wrant.com> wrote:
> Mon, 17 Oct 2016 18:00:39 +0200 Karel Gardas <gard...@gmail.com>
>> 1) use machine with proper ECC support
> Hello Karel,
> Please explain this "proper ECC support" for every laptop user out there?
> I am not sure my system implements "proper ECC support", how to validate?
> Can you advise why OpenBSD developers still run laptops if they lack ECC?

I've been replying based on past experience with what Tinker wrote to
this mailing list. From his posts I expected context of super-reliable
data storage on the server-class hardware. In this context non-ECC
system is simply a no go. By proper ECC support I mean system with
SECDED working at least. You are right that support for ECC in laptops
these days is pretty limited to vintage machines with UltraSPARC, some
PowerPC thinkpads (IIRC) and new machines with Xeon E3v5 from
Lenovo/Dell/HP/Fujitsu at least. OpenBSD devs are probably using what
is available to them like anybody else, don't they?


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