Hi, I've been working on porting an audio application which uses the OSS compatibility layer. It was throwing warnings at runtime about not being able to set flags on /dev/audio.
After searching around I found a diff written by Steven McDonald in the misc@ archives: http://openbsd-archive.7691.n7.nabble.com/perl-fctnl-woes-td276032.html Apparently the issue lies with the removal of the FIOASYNC ioctl(2). I've applied the diff on -CURRENT and it has solved my issues - please find the diff and a test program attached. toby/ [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type text/x-patch which had a name of sys_dev_audio_c.diff] [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type text/x-csrc which had a name of audio-test.c]