Thanks to stu@, he's informed me that mod_perl is a big problem for
OpenBSD modernising its Perl forward.
So I'm going to try and move to FastCGI.

I can't find any info online about transition from mod_perl to FastCGI,
so I'll have to work that out myself. Any useful links would be

Since I have been using Apache, I haven't paid any attention to base

I have written modules to allow people to setup to make a purchase for
online content, be transferred over to PayPal, pay.
PayPal then sends me payment details which I have to send back to verify
status of purchase. After that I create a username and password and
email those plus a link to the customer.

Privately, I have several databases that I use to form project assembly
pieces that can then be combined in different ways to produce final,
different complete project. Project labor is also worked out similarly.

I also run two forums on outside software.

I use PostgreSQL. I use Apache's httpd.conf and other confs to match
Locations to the appropriate modules.

Are there any problems getting something like this to work with base
httpd? I run several different sites.
The manual pages seem a little terse and unrevealing to me.

I'm going to go study FastCGI myself now.

Could anyone share some httpd.confs with me that do what I'm trying to

Any help appreciated,
Chris Bennett

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