For those of use who are already missing M-x theo.

(I apologise.)

Index: games/fortune/datfiles/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/src/games/fortune/datfiles/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -r1.6 Makefile
--- games/fortune/datfiles/Makefile     26 Sep 2003 03:08:44 -0000      1.6
+++ games/fortune/datfiles/Makefile     17 Sep 2016 09:26:28 -0000
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ BLDS= fortunes.dat fortunes2.dat startre
-SRCS+= fortunes2-o limerick
-BLDS+= fortunes2-o.dat limerick.dat
+SRCS+= fortunes2-o limerick theo
+BLDS+= fortunes2-o.dat limerick.dat theo.dat
 TYPE=  real
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ install: ${SRCS} ${BLDS}
        ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 444 ${BLDS} \
-fortunes.dat fortunes2.dat fortunes2-o.dat limerick.dat startrek.dat zippy.dat 
+fortunes.dat fortunes2.dat fortunes2-o.dat limerick.dat startrek.dat zippy.dat 
recipes.dat theo.dat:
        ${STRFILE} -rs ${.CURDIR}/${.TARGET:R} ${.TARGET}
 fortunes-o.dat: fortunes-o
Index: games/fortune/datfiles/theo
RCS file: games/fortune/datfiles/theo
diff -N games/fortune/datfiles/theo
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ games/fortune/datfiles/theo 17 Sep 2016 09:26:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+Write more code.
+Make more commits.
+That's because you have been slacking.
+That's what happens when you're lazy.
+lazy bum!
+Stop slacking you lazy bum!
+slacker slacker lazy bum bum bum slacker!
+I could search... but I'm a lazy bum ;)
+sshutup sshithead, ssharpsshooting susshi sshplats ssharking assholes.
+Lazy bums slacking on your asses.
+35 commits an hour? That's pathetic!
+Fine software takes time to prepare.  Give a little slack.
+I am just stating a fact
+you bring new meaning to the terms slackass. I will have to invent a new term.
+if they cut you out, muddy their back yards
+Make them want to start over, and play nice the next time.
+It is clear that this has not been thought through.
+avoid using abort().  it is not nice.
+That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in the last two or three minutes!
+I'm not just doing this for crowd response. I need to be right.
+I'd put a fan on my bomb.. And blinking lights...
+I love to fight
+No sane people allowed here.  Go home.
+you have to stop peeing on your breakfast
+feature requests come from idiots
+henning and darren / sitting in a tree / t o k i n g / a joint or three
+shame on you for following my rules.
+altq's parser sucks dead whale farts through the finest chemistry pipette's
+screw this operating system shit, i just want to drive!
+Search for fuck.  Anytime you see that word, you have a paragraph to write.
+Yes, but the ports people are into S&M.
+Buttons are for idiots.
+We are not hackers. We are turd polishing craftsmen.
+who cares.  style(9) can bite my ass
+It'd be one fucking happy planet if it wasn't for what's under this fucking 
+I would explain, but I am too drunk.
+you slackers don't deserve pictures yet
+Vegetarian my ass
+Wait a minute, that's a McNally's!
+don't they recognize their moral responsibility to entertain me?
+#ifdef is for emacs developers.
+Many well known people become net-kooks in their later life, because they lose 
touch with reality.
+You're not allowed to have an opinion.
+tweep tweep tweep
+Quite frankly, SSE's alignment requirement is the most utterly retarded idea 
since eating your own shit.
+Holy verbose prom startup Batman.
+Any day now, when we sell out.
+optimism in man kind does not belong here
+First user who tries to push this button, he pounds into the ground with a 
rant of death.
+we did farts.  now we do sperm.  we are cutting edge.
+the default configuration is a mixture of piss, puke, shit, and bloody 
+Stop wasting your time reading people's licenses.
+doing it with environment variables is OH SO SYSTEM FIVE LIKE OH MY GOD PASS 
+Linux is fucking POO, not just bad, bad REALLY REALLY BAD
+penguins are not much more than chickens that swim.
+i am a packet sniffing fool, let me wipe my face with my own poo
+Whiners.  They scale really well.
+in your world, you would have a checklist of 50 fucking workarounds just to 
make a coffee.
+for once, I have nothing to say.
+You have no idea how fucked we are
+You can call it fart if you want to.
+wavelan is a battle field
+You are in a maze of gpio pins, all alike, all undocumented, and a few are 
wired to bombs.
+And that is why humppa sucks... cause it has no cause.
+cache aliasing is a problem that would have stopped in 1992 if someone had 
killed about 5 people who worked at Sun.
+Don't spread rumours about me being gentle.
+If municipal water filtering equipment was built by the gcc developers, the 
western world would be dead by now.
+kettenis supported a new machine in my basement and all I got to do was fix a 
1 character typo in his html page commit.
+industry told us a lesson: when you're an asshole, they mail you hardware
+I was joking, really.  I think I am funny :-)
+the kernel is a harsh mistress
+Have I ever been subtle? If my approach ever becomes subtle, shoot me.
+the acpi stabs you in the back.  the acpi stabs you in the back. you die ...
+My cats are more observant than you.
+our kernels have no bugs
+style(9) has all these fascist rules, and i have a problem with some of them 
because i didn't come up with them
+I'm not very reliable
+I don't like control
+You aren't being conservative -- you are trying to be a caveman.
+nfs loves everyone
+basically, dung beetles fucking.  that's what kerberosV + openssl is like
+I would rather run Windows than use vi.
+if you assign that responsibility to non-hikers I will walk over and cripple 
you now.
+i ojbect two yoru splelng of achlhlocis.
+We have two kinds of developers - those that deal with their own shit and 
those that deal with other people's shit.
+If people keep adding such huge stuff, soon mg will be bigger than emacs.
+this change comes down to: This year, next year, 5 years from now, 10 years 
from now, or Oh fuck.
+backwards compatibility is king, and will remain king, until 2038.
+I don't know if the Internet's safe yet.
+Those who don't understand Unix are condemned to reinvent Multics in a browser
+Don't tell anybody I said that.
+Complaint forms are handled in another department.
+You'd be safer using Windows than the code which was just deleted.
+Shit should not be shared.
+the randomization in this entire codebase is a grand experiment in stupid
+My mailbox is full of shock.
+my integer overflow spidey senses are tingling.
+I'm just trying to improve the code...
+It's a pleasure to work on code you can't make worse.
+It's largely bad style to do (int)sizeof
+When I see, I know that "in" is short for "insane".
+This is the beer. And that's why we need a hackathon.
+Kill the past with fire, and declare Duran Duran is less cool today.  Await 
remixes of the same thing performed by new talent.
+Where did my "fuck backwards compat" compatriots go?
+I want a new vax, one that's not so slow.
+This sausage is made from unsound meat.
+The people who wrote this code are not on your side.
+Well finally everyone can see that the shit is really shitty.
+All that complexity stopped us from getting flying cars by today.

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