Is it possible to use one of OpenBSD’s tunnelling interfaces (gre/gif/etherip) to connect to a remote host (Edgerouter Lite) which is using GRE in Transparent Ethernet (protocol type 0x6558) mode?
Looking at the source code in /usr/src/sys/net there is a flag for this mode defined but I do not think it is referenced and hence not utilized. # pwd /usr/src/sys/net # grep ETHERTYPE * | grep TRANS ethertypes.h:#define ETHERTYPE_TRANSETHER 0x6558 /* Trans Ether Bridging (RFC1701)*/ — Russell Sutherland Supervisor, Network Development | Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions Information Technology Services | University of Toronto 4 Bancroft Ave., Rm. 102 | Toronto, ON M5S 1C1 +1.416.978.0470 ~ tel +1.416.978.6620 ~ fax