
This message is a call for people who are interested to benchmark commodity
hardware with the goal of pushing as much PPS as possible through OpenBSD.
The initial target is to reach 10 Mpps at 64 bytes (or more precisely 84
bytes with interpacket gap) and if the experiment proves to be successful,
we would then aim at 40+ Mpps.

The ultimate goal of this experiment is to build and share with the
community a recognized hardware configuration that provides a good ground
for real-world traffic at a typical small ISP.

We couldn't find such information online. In our case, the final setup
would be two routers, each with two 10 Gbps uplink to upstreams Internet
providers and an OSPF and iBGP connection between them. The software
stack would be based on OpenBSD, OpenBGPD and OpenOSPFD. There is no
commercial idea around the finding of this experiment.

While our budget is not unlimited and privately funded (by individuals),
we are open to hear what hardware specifications people on this list
would be interested to see. At the moment, we aim for this:

CPUs: Intel Xeon CPU E5-2697v2, E5-2667v2, E5-2680v3, E5-2640v3
Intel NICs: Intel 82599ES, X520, X540-{T1/T2/AT2}, 85595, 82598,
AF/82598, AT/82598, EB/82599, EB/82599 EN
Chelsio NIcs: Chelsio T540-CR (although not sure there is an OpenBSD driver)

If you consider other hardware options, please feel free to reply and let us 
We surely will not be testing all these configurations, we will most likely 
pick on
CPU from the list and 2-3 NICs from the list as well. This experiment might be 
taken to FreeBSD for comparison. If necessary, we consider sending this
configuration in a test center with Spirent hardware to validate this.

Feedbacks, questions, remarks, doubts, irony, are all welcome :-)


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