2016-09-03 11:04 GMT+02:00 Luke Small <lukensm...@gmail.com>:
> Sorry  I was in the middle of something, but pledge can be a broad brush,
> unless you are dealing with one file, whether it is executed, read, or
> written and giving per process file permissions sounds pretty neat, and it
> might just be a little simpler than making new users for each subset of
> privileges, populating each chrooted home folder with a specific set of
> permissions (as is what appears to me to have happened with pkg_add). Since
> pledge's promises can make it where you can execute a file without read
> permission, it seems ideal to continue that tradition with the paths
>   On Sat, Sep 3, 2016, 03:07 Luke Small <lukensm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> In pledge, presumably there will be an accessible paths list. Maybe you
>> grant a process root access, and you need to read a file which is only
>> granted by root access, and you need write access for another file, so the
>> pledge permissions reflect that. On the presumed current path, you would
>> leave write access for the first file and maybe you don't need the process
>> to have read permissions on an execl() program. You can prohibit your
>> process from reading your software or binary, even if it may have
>> permissions to do so.

That's not a specific use case.
Either you should provide a patch or an exemple of a real program that
is limited by the current design of pledge.

Currently, if you want a program that can only read a file, you pledge
rpath. If you want the ability to exec file, you pledge exec.

If you want a program that can exec a set of file and write in
another, either you run your program as a user and group that can't
write the set of file you want to exec (W^X) or you write two program,
one pledging for write the other for read.

There following paper have an exemple of how the second design can be done.


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+336 148 743 42

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