Hey Cris

I don't think so, because everything was going very well. The OpenBSD there
just run a unbound , dnscrypt ( pkg_add )  and  ipsec vpn. I rebooted today
just for curiosity ( because I already faced ) and for my surprise happened

I guess is something there as cited by @Troy

Resume: The Problem is not with OpenBSD but something on DigitalOcean.

Thank you man !

2016-08-24 17:00 GMT-03:00 Chris Cappuccio <ch...@nmedia.net>:

> R0me0 *** [knight....@gmail.com] wrote:
> >
> > I have NO O/S found .
> >
> > That's it
> >
> Is it possible that the instructions you are using are incomplete and/or
> incompatible with the software ? Have you tried this on a standalone
> machine?

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