> Gesendet: Montag, 08. August 2016 um 21:36 Uhr
> Von: "Mihai Popescu" <mih...@gmail.com>
> An: misc@openbsd.org
> Betreff: Re: Copy-Paste not possible from a xterm
> > For some time now I cannot copy-paste text from a xterm window by 
> > simultaneously \
> > pressing left and right mouse buttons.
> > Anyone an idea?
> Um, carpal tunnel syndrome?
Nice - but no.

> I know somebody unable to double click after a heavy drinking night.
> But he was able to manage this by clicking one time followed by Enter
> key. So, no panic.
Looks to me that I missed to find the right words to explain the issue 
correctly. My bad.

New try:
I open an xterm and e.g. want to see the content of /etc/fstab. So I issue
$ cat /etc/fstab

Now I want to copy one line to thunderbird or a web client via firefox. I used 
to do this by marking the relevant line, change to the other application (say: 
the web client) and press left and right mouse buttons simultaneously. Until 
some time ago this procedure inserted the marked-up line at the position of the 
cursor. No double-click, no Enter. Standard Unix - right?

Exactly this procedure is disfunct on my system. No idea why, no idea where to 
look at. No big thing, just wondering if I missed s.th. or else.

I know how to circumvent this non-behaviour in most cases.

Just wanted to know if s.o. else witnessed the same and maybe has an answer. 
Maybe I need to additionally post some specific settings I am not aware of.



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