Hi everyone,
I'm looking for feedback before I burn time on this project so please
let me know what you think.
I'm thinking about building a daemon that I'll write in C (looked at
the httpd code in /usr.sbin/httpd as a reference) that essentially
monitors your network connectivity in the background and, based on an
/etc/wifid.conf file (which contains an encrypted list of nwid's and
wpa-keys that you have loaded) looks for the presence of those nwid's
and will connect you to them (in a particular priority order you set)
if it finds them. I would then write a wifictl program that would
communicate with the daemon and allow you to manipulate the encrypted
list, etc.
The thought is that this would give us similar behavior to other
operating systems in making wifi more of a "set it and forget it"
capability in the system (versus running ifconfig and dhclient any
time I change to a new network).
The questions I have are as follows:
1. Is there something like this already that I'm not seeing in OpenBSD?
2. Would anyone other than me want something like this? If not, I
will likely write it much less "cleanly" and just use it locally for
my needs. Heck, I could probably write it as a shell script and just
stuff it in my crontab.
3. My initial thought was to do the same things in my daemon that are
going on in the source of ifconfig.c - specifically the setifnwid(),
setifwpakey() and setifflags() functions (as opposed to shell exec'ing
the commands themselves). I'd prefer not to be someone who does
"editor reuse" and cut & paste those functions into my code, but I'm
not sure how you would approach that from a "how we do it in OpenBSD"
perspective. Would I refactor that tool to put those methods I use in
a library and then modify it to call them out of the library so we can
both share it?
4. Same story as #3 on sbin/dhclient/dhclient.c (seems like most of
the code I'd lift is in the main() body and subsequent called
functions. I'd prefer not to duplicate it (see #3)
5. Assuming your personal answer to #2 is yes, what do you think a
"sane default" would be to poll the network to see if it is alive?
There is a fine balance between not burning lots of CPU checking every
second versus how long you go without a network connection when you
are changing networks.
6. Is there a way my daemon can be notified when the network becomes
unreachable versus having to poll? I'm thinking the answer to that is
"no" but I've been surprised at my own ignorance before (and will
continue to do so in the future I'm sure!) so I thought I would ask.
Thanks and sorry if this was tl;dr.
Thank you to all of the people who replied in the list and privately.
As a result of that, it looks like someone has already done basically
what I'm looking for at:
This was written by Gregor Best, jggimi and spedru.
I will reach out to them and see if they would like to see this added to
the ports tree and if so, will submit a patch to that list.
Thanks again everyone.