On July 21, 2016 7:56:57 PM GMT+02:00, Leo Unglaub <l...@leo-unglaub.net> wrote:
>i am using OpenBSD with two harddrives. Both of them are 2 TB and i put
>them in a Raid 1 (mirroring) using softraid0. It works perfect, the 
>system boots from the raid 1 and runs perfectly.
>Sadly now 2 TB is not enought disc space anymore and i got some new 4TB
>drives. I suceeded in crating a raid 1 on them, but i am unable to boot
>of those drives. Do you have any ideas what i could try next?
>Here is what i did so far:
>fdisk -igy sd0
>fdisk -igy sd1
>disklabel -E sd0 (created a partition of type RAID)
>disklabel -E sd1 (created the same disklayout)
>bioctl -c1 -l sd0a,sd1a softraid0 (resulted in sd2 beeing created)
>I can install OpenBSD on the new sd2 but i cannot boot from it. I used 
>the latest snapshot to try this.

How did you install the system? If you didn't already, use the installer and 
point it at the softraid disk (likely sd2). If that doesn't help, please show 
what happens. 

"i am unable to boot" tells us nothing.


>Any ideas?
>Thanks and greetings

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