Theo Buehler wrote: >$ jot -r -p 0 100000 1 3 | sort -n | uniq -c >33464 1 >33246 2 >33290 3
According to the man page, "in the absence of -p, the precision is the greater of the numbers begin and end". Since both 1 and 3 have a precision of zero, therefore I would expect your command: jot -r -p 0 100000 1 3 | sort -n | uniq -c to behave exactly the same way as this one: jot -r 100000 1 3 | sort -n | uniq -c which the man page clearly indicates should produce something like: 24950 1 50038 2 25012 3 which is also more in line with the "generate random floating point number and truncate to even" model which is described (not very clearly, IMHO) in the man page. Philippe