On 2016-07-05 04:21, Nick Holland wrote:
On 07/04/16 22:11, Tinker wrote:
The *oldest* version would be fine too!

Write a little script to fetch the directory of the package repository,
apply /whatever logic you want/, then pkg_add that exact package. Done.

The contention that "99%" or "95%" of users don't care what version...I
completely disagree with.  I would call this, at best, a very special

Think about it.  If someone is MAINTAINING multiple versions of a
package, they are doing it because they feel there is some REASON that
multiple versions.  OpenBSD developers aren't fools, they are some of
the brightest people you will ever hope to get an e-mail from.  They
have no shortage of things to occupy their time.  They aren't going to
maintain more than one version of a package for giggles.

Point taken. Thank you very much.

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