
Using OpenBSD 5.8-stable.

I used to have the following in /etc/man.conf:

tcl85           /usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.5/man/
tcl86           /usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.6/man/

Which  made it  easy to  view  one or  the  other by  using the  section

man tcl85 Tcl
man tcl86 Tcl

man(1) still appears to be documented to have this functionality:

     man [-acfhklw] [-C file] [-I os=name] [-K encoding] [-M path] [-m path]
         [-O option=value] [-S subsection] [-s section] [-T output] [-W level]
         [section] name ...

But I see no  way of expressing it in the new  man.conf or addressing it
in the  command line.  Here is what  I have added  according to  the new

manpath /usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.5/man
manpath /usr/local/lib/tcl/tcl8.6/man

But I don't see how to  use [section] anymore. man(1) does mention using
[-s section] with n  as the section, but that only  seems to display the
first match of tcl8.5 and does  not allow further granularity (as far as
I can tell).

Have I missed something in the man pages, or what am I doing wrong?


TAI64 timestamp: 40000000576f0095

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