>On 06/22/16 07:50, temp+...@frad.ir wrote:
>>>  Hi folks
>>>   For those of you running http in support of your business, are any of you 
>>> providing 
>>>videos for your customers ?
>>>  If so what packages and set-up are you using?
>>>  Any advice guidance appreciated.
>> Hi,
>> I used httpd for serving file in personal usages. I found that httpd is poor 
>> for large
>> files and cause consuming resources for that purpose.
>This was a somewhat subtle, but interesting problem...and it is now
>fixed (in -current, and will be in 6.0).
>The problem was, as I recall, not an issue of "large" files itself, but
>raised its head mostly on large files.  The problem was when someone
>would start a file download and stop it prematurely for any reason, file
>descriptors (hope I'm using the right word properly here) were not being
>released.  Well, it turns out it is rather difficult to abort the
>transfer of a 5k or 20k file...but a 300m file?  Easy.  And if running
>something where lots of people download lots of files, seemingly
>frequent...resulting in an unhappy system.
>I can now say with some confidence, that I this problem has been
>squished very effectively, and httpd (now) does a great job of running
>at least a few OpenBSD mirrors.
My server powers OpenBSD 5.9, and I forgot to mention that.
Yes, by my tests, I noticed that 300MB for each file is good for me,
then I split my 1GB file into 300MB pieces :D


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