On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 5:56 AM, Sjöholm Per-Olov <p...@incedo.org> wrote: > Does anyone know if there exist any list of recommendations about how to make > an SSD disk to live as long as possible when using it for firewall purpose on > OpenBSD?
I don't know of a list, aside from what you find in this thread and similar threads on this list from the past. My own first recommendation is not to worry about it. My second recommendation is: if you must worry about it, change as little as possible. you don't want to make updates difficult due to excessive customization. I am running OpenBSD 5.9 on an Internet-facing router, on Soekris hardware with 4GB mSATA SSD storage. My only concern about SSD durability relates to /var/log and the potential for Internet traffic to cause constant writes there. So I have made minimal changes to guard against that: DO NOT MAKE THESE CHANGES ON YOUR OWN SYSTEM UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY DO. 1. when installing OpenBSD, put /var/log on its own 128MB partition. 2. after your first boot, convert /var/log to use MFS: mkdir -p /mfs/log cd /etc mv fstab fstab~ sed -e's|/var/log|/mfs/log|' <fstab~ >fstab cat >>fstab swap /var/log mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=128M,-P=/mfs/log 0 0 ^D 3. reboot so that the above /etc/fstab changes take effect. 4. configure rsync to periodically checkpoint /var/log to /mfs/log: pkg_add rsync crontab -e (add the following lines) # # checkpoint log files 10 */4 * * * /usr/local/bin/rsync -ayH --delete-after /var/log/ /mfs/log 5. also save /var/log to /mfs/log on shutdown: cat >>/etc/rc.shutdown /usr/local/bin/rsync -ayH --delete-after /var/log/ /mfs/log ^D I sync /var/log to /mfs/log only every 4 hours because I have reliable power. If you have unreliable power (or unreliable hardware) or your firewall crashes or reboots for unknown reasons you may want to sync more often. Actually in that case you probably shouldn't use an MFS /var/log at all. When I first did this it was more than 2 years ago. Today SSD storage has improved enough that this shouldn't be needed (see my first recommendation above not to worry about it). -ken