On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 4:50 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:
> I don't see how that helps anything.

Are you saying that this is not relevant?

> The facts are this is unix, and there is a minimum height required to
> ride.

That's ok up to a point, but I'm not yet understanding why this kind
of reference makes sense in a manpage like dirname(1) or mailx(1) or
tmux(1) but not in the manpage for ssh.

> Ruining the manual pages -- by making everything reference everything --
> does not make unix easier to use; I really think it makes it more difficult.

It looks to me like ssh's manpage is already rather large, yes. But,
I'm not seeing the logic in referring to sftp (which uses the ssh code
base but is not necessary for the use of ssh) makes more sense than
referring to sh (which is used by ssh in most but not quite all

Would this really ruin the man page? I guess maybe I should go away
and sleep on this, maybe I'll figure it out after a nap...



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