You are human and I appreciate that. I had to see it. My apologies, I mean you no disrespect. I appreciate that you only quoted what was necessary. Again, my apologies, Warren, you are considerate of others.
We do need some code of conduct on both sides here. I'm willing to talk things through. I'll accept my "banishment" for the mean time. It should be that the other party involved also have to pay "restitution and fees" for this debacle. I need some software built on PowerPC 32 bit. Perhaps one could convince Tyler and a few others to make the packages. I would consider that an apology for his foolishness. I also need ardour, mixx, ffmpeg, lamemp3, sox, OSS, and a few others built for sound on PowerPC/POWER 32/64. They only have experience on the AMD64/i386 architectures. A few more POWER and ARM hackers could be used and would be appreciated. Finding the audience for the hardware/software combination is much easier than you think. I'll give you a working example. You'll need an omnidirectional microphone and four unidirectional microphones set up together. The design is to have a central/unified part and the standard four channel - left bass, left treble, right bass, right treble - input for stereo. Attach the microphone to an ARM device running Audacity on Debian or NetBSD for input and have an - or two if possible - XFi card attached to record the raw sound. Next, you would play the sound through a card on a PowerPC 64 and 32 setup with Ardour. There would be a card and the OS would be FreeBSD. The kernel hertz would need to be about 5000 for a dedicated sound system. Quick response. I would go for NetBSD on AMD64 for conversion with ffmpeg, lame mp3, sox, and what ever else is available. It would be finished with SPARC64 with OpenBSD for database. There, you are using multiple architectures as they were meant to be used. I have already shared this system design with a few people. On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Warren Block <> wrote: > On Tue, 24 May 2016, Joe Nosay wrote: > > You see his reaction to me. That was disrespectful. >> > > So what? That does not justify threats. Be an adult. > > If we were face to face in nature, would you treat me with such disdain >> and disrespect? >> And, Warren, would you want me to be as rude to you as Tyler was to me? >> I do not make any assumptions about what a person's character is. >> > > You have accused me and others of many things. Some would take that as > disrespect. Yet nobody threatened you. > > Tyler, you may present your point of view from here, if you wish. >> > > Or he can ignore you. As you should have ignored him. I am asking you to > have the self-control to stop before this escalates further. Please stop. > Let this matter drop, and reconsider the way you see the world.