Many thanks for clearing that up.



On 05/21/2016 12:38 AM, Ted Unangst wrote:
Peter Wens wrote:
On a encrypted (sd1) OpenBSD 5.9 install (amd64, (qemu, virtio)):

I created a diskimage (dd if=/dev/urandom of=disk.img bs=1m count=100
vnconfig vnd0 disk.img
fdisk -iy vnd0
disklabel -E vnd0 ( a a RAID)

bioctl -c C -l /dev/vnd0a softraid0
   creates sd2newfs /dev/rsd2c
mount /dev/rsd2c /mnt
installboot -v -r /mnt sd2 /usr/mdec/biosboot /usr/mdec/boot

then copy some files and at some point the systems locks up.

The same procedure on a unencrypted install no troubles at all.

any suggestion in what's happening?
Stacking softraid doesn't work. This has irked me for some time, but it's the
way things are for now.

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