Thanks for the response everyone. I tinkered with the system a bit more and the manpages were indeed better than what I expected, so in hindsight my question wasn't very informed. Based on the responses, it seems like OpenBSD does not deviate much from any Unix-like operating systems. I also picked up Design and implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System and that book really speaks to me. It tells me what I want to hear in terms of how the system operates, and also how the system DOESN'T operate: like how system calls are the only interface to the kernel, and nothing else. I hope most of the things on there is still correct in OpenBSD though.
Anyway, I didn't want to pollute the mailing list with too much idle chitchat but it would be nice if there is a way to close a topic that I already feel has been answered satisfactorily because I feel somewhat guilty having people spend their time answering a question that I've already ``outgrown''. This community is really different... people really go out of their way to provide good answers to people's questions! :)