On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 10:46:48AM +0100, Zé Loff wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a IKEv1 setup that allows my roaming laptop (amd64 -current) to
> connect to the office LAN (i386 patched 5.6) using outgoing NAT. Everything*
> works fine, I can ssh machines, browse internal websites, the works.
> The office LAN has a machine (amd64 patched 5.4, I know, I know) with
> some NFS shares. Any machine inside the LAN -- this includes my laptop
> when "at home" -- can mount those shares and all works fine.
> However, when I'm roaming NFS mounts fail with mountd stating "Refused
> mount RPC from host". As far as I can tell, this happens because for
> some reason the request issued by the laptop comes from a not reserved
> port (tcpdump confirms this) when the connection is made through the
> tunnel. All requests made "at home" come from <2048 ports and everything
> works fine there.
> Any ideas as to why the requests come from high ports when on the tunnel
> and reserved ports when "at home" and, more importantly? Cluebats and
> flamethrowers welcome.
> Thanks in advance
> Zé
> * Actually there's something weird going on with getent and DNS queries
> through the tunnel, but I'll save that for some other time
> -- 

Just for the archives, I'm answering my own question (almost a year

Cause: pf rewriting the source port when NATing, bumping it to >2048
Solution: add "static-port" to the match rule


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