On Fri, May 06, 2016 at 04:35:47AM -0600, Duncan Patton a Campbell wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Back when the script tag was removed from dhclient.conf the 
> functionality to do external commands was ostensibly moved
> into hostname.if via the
> !command mechanism.  
> in man hostname.if it says 
> "It is worth noting that ``\$if'' in a command
>  line will be replaced by the interface name" 
> Is there any similar tag to access the addess assigned by dhcp?
> What other mechanisms exist to update dynamic dns assignments?

You could write a script around "route monitor" (in a while loop) to
get notified when you get a new address assigned to the interface.

Another possibility is to use dhclient with option -L in combiantion
with a tool like entr (in ports) to react on file changes.


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