On 26/04/2016 04:56, open...@smartpoint.co.nz wrote:
> Does anyone have experience connecting an OpenBSD box via a fibre ONT ?
> I currently have a working setup using the OpenBSD box as a
> router/firewall for my LAN, connecting to the internet via an ethernet
> connected ADSL modem. I'm trying to replace this ADSL connection with
> Fibre. 
> (Note: I will update default gateway and routes after I can
> successfully bring up the fibre link.)
> I have an ONT installed by my ISP but (for various reasons) they left
> without completing the config. I'm having trouble getting information
> about how my OpenBSD NIC should be configured.
> My LAN is connected on em0
> I have the current ADSL connected on em1
> I have an ethernet cable on em2 plugged into the ONT on its LAN 1 port.
> I'm trying to understand the expected configuration of em2.
> I've tried setting dhcp in /etc/hostname.em2 and doing a netstart.
> Unfortunately I don't get an IP address on this interface (timeout). 
> My ISP tech support has been of little help but they mentioned that I
> should get a public IP address via DHCP on the ONT and should be using
> VLAN 10. I'm not sure how this helps. 
> I tried setting "up" in hostname.em2 and setting "dhcp vlan 10 vlandev
> em2" in /etc/hostname.vlan10 but this failed to get me an IP address
> either. # ifconfig shows em2 is "active" and vlan10 is also "active" but
> I don't see how to route traffic via this link.
> I was expecting that I need a (dhcp?) IP address on an interface
> connected to the ONT but I'm wondering if I have fundamentally
> mis-understood how this should be configured ?  Do I need PPPoE maybe ? 
> Thanks in advance.

I have a similiar setup, except for me it's vlan id 35. And in addition,
I have to do pppoe on the link to reach the internet.

Here's my setup:

-- /etc/hostname.em1

-- hostname.vlan35
vlan 35 vlandev em1 up

-- hostname.pppoe0
!/sbin/ifconfig em0 up
!/sbin/ifconfig vlan35 up
inet NONE mtu 1500 \
        pppoedev vlan35 \
        authproto pap \
        authname "<username>" \
        authkey "<password>"
inet6 autoconf
!/sbin/route add -ifp pppoe0
!/sbin/route add ::/0 -ifp pppoe0 fe80::

Also, there seems to still be a bug in OpenBSD. You have no possibility
to influence the vlan prio field. That struck me in the beginning
because my ISP was requiring it to be 0 and the default value on OpenBSD
is 3 I think. If that's the case for you, you have to patch the kernel
to set the prio field to a fixed value.

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