> From: "Pavan Maddamsetti" <pavan.maddamse...@gmail.com> 
> To: "misc" <misc@openbsd.org> 
> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 10:55:28 PM 
> Subject: Re: diff for help.1 
> Why not ed? 

vi(1) mentions ex(1) which is maybe good enough for a new user. 

Both the "Welcome to OpenBSD" email message as well as help.1 reference man
and highlight the -k option, so maybe that is enough. Running man -k editor
lists them all. 

When I reviewed help.1, given the other commands presented (e.g. cd, ls,
cat) I would have expected some mention of a text editor to help a new
user/admin (though afterboot.1 does reference vi(1) under SEE ALSO).


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