On 3/31/16 4:58 AM, Max Power wrote:
> Hi guys!
> Why the release 5.8 and 5.9 did not comply with the canonical date
> of the 1th November and of the 1th May?
> Thanks in advance for your reply.

Because Buffy swim upstream with the salmons this year in the cold
rivers of Canada and felt he could take a break sooner then usual for
his considerable effort!

See Salmons dead after that and have laid their eggs, but our brave
Puffy survive the exercise and made a time leap forward.

Why can people not just say THANKS YOU and be grateful and appreciative
for a grace of an early release but question everything all the time is
beyond me...

Why should this comply with anything really?

I for one will say it as I haven;'t seen any yet on the list.

Thank you guys to release 5.9 sooner it very much appreciated!

Again THANK YOU!!!!

Long live Puffy.


PS: Hmm. Now does this mean we will have some spiky little puffy/salmons
hybrid this season... I wonder.

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