On 2016-03-25, <w...@wootsie.com> <w...@wootsie.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can anyone confirm this device works with OpenBSD 5.8 or higher:
> https://www.startech.com/Cards-Adapters/Serial-Cards-Adapters/2-Port-RS232-Mini-PCI-Express-Serial-Card-16950-UART~MPEX2S952
> I do not have one to test, so before purchasing I thought I would ask about
> it or experience with something like it.

There is a device entry in puc(4) for it, but I'm not sure if we got the
uart speeds working right with the Oxford Semi native PCIE uart that
this device uses, the clocking is based on PCIE and is at a frequency
that is very different to other puc(4) devices and doesn't fit well
with the way we encode them. That said, I was able to get a similar
chip working, just the serial ports ran at the wrong speed (iirc it was
halved or doubled compared to the speed requested)..

> Would utilize it for the main console.

This is fiddly with puc(4) devices in general - you need to identify the
base address with pcidump and feed it to 'machine comaddr' in boot.conf
and hope it doesn't change (which it may do especially if you add/remove
other devices).

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