Tinker <ti...@openmailbox.org> writes:

> On 2015-12-26 19:23, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2015-12-26, Mohammad BadieZadegan <mbzade...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I need a network packet generator that generates Network Packets with
>>> the
>>> HIGHEST Speed!
>>> Before I migrate to OpenBSD I used PKTGEN on Linux to generate this
>>> with
>>> the highest speed level.
>>> At this state I need one tools BUT on the OpenBSD.
>> There's tcpbench (in base; does udp as well as tcp) or netblast (part
>> of
>> the netrate package). I don't think you will get anywhere near pktgen
>> speeds
>> though.
>>> Is that netmap (http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/netmap/) useful in
>>> OpenBSD?
>> No.
> Stuart, what's your motivation for thinking so? -
> NetMap is a zero-copying high-performance ethernet frame IO API that
> works via select() and ioctl on an FD and a linked list of memory
> buffers.
> Perhaps there are some X11-style weaknesses in the security model, but,
> at least as an optional feature in an OS, what do you see that is not
> perfect or reasonable about it (in particular in OpenBSD's current
> absence of someting to fill the same function)?

It has already been discussed before on this mailing-list.  Please read
the archives.


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