> On Mar 16, 2016, at 6:23 AM, Gabor Juhasz <gabor.sheph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> In our IoT project we have to select an NTPd for our embedded device
> in order it can have accurate time.
> It uses 3G/4G mobile net. Of course the net is expensive so we have to
> reduce the
> network usage. Currently we have 2 candidates : OpenNTPd and Chrony.
> In OpenNTP (5.7p4)  we are missing some features and we are looking
> for some solutions
> or workarounds to provide them. Do you have any idea how to do it with
> OpenNTPd :
> * Maxchange
> Maximum allowed offset corrected on a clock update. If the delta is
> bigger ntpd exists.

I think you need to explain more about why you need this. I can guess, but
that's not necessarily solving your problem.

So hypothetically, you have a device that might have a big initial delta on
boot, but might not have network access within the first 15 seconds of
starting ntpd. Is that why simply using 'ntpd -s' at startup is not enough for
this case? How would you know to trust any big jumps from NTP servers later
on? Is your proposal to still only allow for a one-time initial setting
(basically, make -s active forever until the time is initially set)?
Otherwise, this opens a big hole.


> * Polltime
> maxpoll /minpoll : setting the minimum/maximum polling interval
> * Offline mode
> You tell the ntpd that network is not available. So it will not keep
> trying to connect to ntp servers.
> Kind regards,
> Gabor Juhasz

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