On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 04:57:04PM +0100, hans wrote:
> Has the attitude towards /etc/hosts changed again?
> After a fresh install of current/i386,
>       localhost
>       ::1             localhost
>    www.stare.cz www
> The first two I would expect.
> The last one was assigned to me via DHCP during install;
> I am changing the network configuration now (to another,
> static IP address), and removing it from /etc/hosts;
> but it's easy to have a stale DHCP address
> assigned during install left in /etc/hosts.
> I believe it was discussed on the list before,
> and the decision was not to do this.
> Has the rationale changed?
>       Jan

You're probably referring to this commit from 2 years ago and since then
nothing changed with respect to adding static entries to /etc/hosts.

   revision 1.682
   date: 2013/07/21 22:06:51;  author: halex;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -6;
   stop adding static entries to /etc/hosts for dynamic ip addresses

   "do it NOW" deraadt@

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