
I have a question about RAID 1 volumes set up with bioctl.

When I originally set up the softraid, I created a RAID partition that
(essentially) took up the entire drive.  However, the disklabel INSIDE the
softraid does NOT use the all the space available (e.g.  The chunks making up
the RAID partition are 120GB, but the disklabel within the RAID only currently
uses 60GB of space; so, 60 GB of space have not/will not have any data on them).

My question is, if I want to add a new chunk to this array, does it have to be
120GB; or, since I am only using 60GB within the RAID, can I add a new chunk
that is only 60GB?  And, if so, is there anything special I need to do when
adding the smaller chunk?

With the falling price of SSD's, I am thinking of replacing the spinning disks
with SSD's.  It seems I will never need the additional space in the RAID, and it
would be cheaper to buy smaller SSD's.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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