Gaby vanhegan wrote:
>There are sites on this machine that we've had since 2000, and that
>were running on various insecure os' from there before we made the
>move to OpenBSD. I suspect that it would be a medium/large sized
>task to make these sites work under chroot, as well as reorganise the
>user home folders to fit in with this.
Putting users' home directories in /var/www/home/user, and their web
directories as /var/www/home/user/public_html (or whatever you choose to
call it) isn't difficult. I made the change (from symlinking
/home/user/www -> /var/www/users/user) when I upgraded from 3.7 to 3.8,
and apart from one apache directive I had difficulty finding the magic
sauce for (the answer lives in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive), you'd never
know the difference. Then again, I've been running chrooted from the
get-go, so if your users are calling external functions, their sites may
break anyways. Maybe I missed it, but is the phpBB being run the most
current (2.0.19)?