Right enough, meant to say 5.8 stable!

Thanks a lot for your advice, I now have everything set up the way I want it - 
thanks! ..really gotta remember to read the pkg_readme's next time! ha




On 02/20/16 16:20, Nick wrote:
> I'm on 5.9-stable,

5.9 isn't released yet, maybe you wanted to say 5.8-stable or 5.9-current?

>got XFCE on here and just wondering about getting the power and shutdown 
>buttons working as they are greyed out for root and non-root.
> Here's the old instructions for when 'sudo' was the standard:
> %users ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/local/lib/xfce4/session/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> Then add my username to the 'users' group.
> Problem is, I don't want to install sudo just to get this working, anyone 
> managed this with doas or another way?
> Thanks

Good news: no need for sudo.

$ less /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/xfce-4.12p2

Logging out and shutting down the computer
If your installation supports complete shutdown, clicking on the logout
button on panel will permit you to either logout, rebooting or halt
the computer.

Halting and rebooting require consolekit and policykit: you'll need to
run a systemwide D-BUS service (add messagebus to pkg_scripts in
rc.local) and pass --with-ck-launch argument to startxfce4. If you run
a systemwide D-BUS service, have consolekit/policykit installed and
don't use --with-ck-launch you will not be able to shutdown/reboot.

That should do it :)


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