On Tue, 03 Jan 2006 14:35:12 -0800
Joe S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you have any recommendations on how I should get started?
> * Community college courses?
> * College courses?

Always helpful, if you're not in full time employment.

> * Self-study books?

Probably the best source of information. Choose UNIX environment
programming books, they're the most informative. I like this one
currently: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0131411543, covers
lots, probably not much good to a beginner, so if it's C you're
interested in, try this:

College courses can be a bit useless unless it covers what you really
want to know. Otherwise you will spend three years on a degree course to
just learn to code, and that sounds like a waste of time to me. If you
want to learn programming, spend 30 mins on the loo with a good book in
your hands, it's worth 10 hours in the class room (added geek points if
you have a wireless network and it's the pdf).

Regards, Ed http://www.usenix.org.uk - http://irc.is-cool.net 
:%s/Open Source/Free Software/g

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