
I'm trying to achieve the following:

I have a RTBH peer configured (router from my ISP I access over multihop).

Config is the following:

group "eBGP_RTBH_COGENT" {

        remote-as               174
        holdtime                30
        holdtime min            3
        announce                none
        set med                 325
        set localpref           50
        multihop                64

    neighbor    $COGENT_RTBH_PEER_IPv6  {
         descr                   ev6_gw-003_to_RTBH_COGENT
         local-address           $COGENT_MY_IPv6
         announce IPv4           none
         announce IPv6           none

    neighbor    $COGENT_RTBH_PEER_IPv4  {
        descr                   ev4_gw-003_to_RTBH_COGENT
        local-address           $COGENT_MY_IPv4
        announce IPv4           none
        announce IPv6           none


I have a community I defined:

When i set this community to prefixes a match clause adds the carrier specific community to get the blackholing done on their side (easy when the BH prefix is carried by the regular BGP session).

Now I wonder how to send BH prefixes to this very peer in the same way.


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