On 2016-02-10, Marc Peters <m...@mpeters.org> wrote:
> Am 02/10/16 um 10:44 schrieb Kapetanakis Giannis:
>> Maybe iwn0 does not support vlan?

Not sure if I've tried it with iwn but it should do. Certainly wlan
interfaces in general do normally support vlans (e.g. I am running
multiple vlans over radio with ubnt kit for point-to-point links).

Anyway even if not, that isn't the problem here.

>> I don't see anything relative on it's product brief sheet.
>> http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/product-briefs/centrino-advanced-n-6205-brief.pdf
>> Did you try to start vlan 6 on iwn0 (instead of em0) and see if it works.
>> If both interfaces support vlan then vlan on top of trunk should not be
>> a problem.
>> I've used that configuration for both failover and lacp setups.
> The vlan device should be em0 only, as this is the only interface i
> define in the config and not trunk0. The vlan is only available on the
> wire, so i would have no need to use trunk0 oder iwn0 as underlying device.

trunk is normally for interfaces which are completely interchangeable,
i.e. configured identically from a layer-3 point of view (same

If it used to work with em0 being both a vlandev and a trunkport,
that was probably a bug, I would expect it to be rejected the same
way that configuring an IP address on a trunkport is rejected.

For a normal wired-and-wireless setup with different subnets on each,
you would normally just run dhclient on multiple interfaces.

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